Hi Friends,
In this post, I am sharing interview questions and answers asked in ThalesGroup : Round-2.
Question 1:
What are the tools available for testing web services?
- SOAP UI Tool
- Poster for Firefox Browser
- The Postman extension for Chrome
Question 2:
Which java API helps in developing a RESTful web service?
There are many frameworks and libraries that a developer can use to create Restful web services in java.
For example , the JAX-RS library is standard way to develop a REST web service.
Also Jersey is another most popular implementations of JAX-RS which offers more than what the specs recommended. There are others like RESTEasy, RESTLet and Apache CFX.
Question 3:
What is the difference between REST and RESTful?
REST based services/architecture vs RESTFul services/architecture:
To differentiate or compare these two, we should know what is REST.
REST [Representational State Transfer]: Is basically an architectural style of development having some principles:
- It should be stateless
- It should access all the resources from the server using only URI.
- It does not have inbuilt encryption
- It does not have session
- For performing CRUD operations , it should use HTTP verbs, such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH.
- It should return the result only in JSON format or XML , atom etc. (lightweight data)
REST based services follow some of the above principles and not all.
RESTFUL services means, it follows all the above principles.
Question 4:
Write a sample GET request using Jersey.
Employee getEmployee(@PathParam("empId") String empId, @QueryParam("empName") String empName)
Question 5:
Is Spring initializer the only way to create Spring boot projects?
We can use two approaches:
- The first one is start.spring.io
- The other one is : Setting up a project manually
- In Eclipse, Use File-> New Maven project to create a new project
- Add dependencies
- Add the maven plugins
- Add the Spring boot Application class
Question 6:
Why do we need spring-boot-maven-plugin?
Spring-boot-maven-plugin provides a few commands which enable us to package the code as a jar or run the application.
Command in spring-boot-maven-plugin are:
- Spring-boot: run - Runs the spring boot application
- Spring-boot : repackage - Repackages the jar/war to be executable
- Sprint-boot: start and spring-boot: stop - To manage the lifecycle of spring boot application.
- Spring-boot: build-info - Generates build information that can be used by the Actuator.
Question 7:
How can I enable auto reload of Spring application with spring boot?
We can enable auto reload of spring application by using spring boot developer tools.
Adding spring boot developer tools to the project is very simple.
Add this dependency to pom.xml:
<groupId> org.springframework.boot</groupId>
Restart the application.
Question 8:
What is the use of Embedded servers?
Think about what you would need to be able to deploy the application on a virtual machine:
- Step 1: Install Java
- Step 2: Install the web/application server
- Step 3: Deploy the application war
Profile is nothing but a key to
identify an environment.
In this example, we will use two
- dev
- prod
The default application configuration
is present in application.properties. Let’s consider an example.
- basic.value= true
- basic.message= Dynamic Message
- basic.number= 100
We would want to customize the
application.properties for dev profile. We would need to create a file with
name application-dev.properties and override the properties that we would want
to customize.
Dynamic Message in DEV
Similarly you can configure properties
for prod profile.
- application-prod.properties
- basic.message: Dynamic Message in Prod
Once you have profile specific
configuration, you would need to set the active profile in an environment.
There are multiple ways of doing this:
- Using
-Dspring.profiles.active=prod in VM Arguments
- Use
spring.profiles.active=prod in application.properties
Question 10:
Which file is required for application configuration with spring boot?
The file name is application.properties.
application.properties can reside anywhere in classpath of the application.
Question 11:
How does spring boot reduces configuration?
A Web Application
using Spring MVC and JPA (Hibernate):
Service/DAO Layer Beans using JavaConfig
Spring MVC Web Layer Beans
Spring MVC FrontController Servlet DispatcherServlet
JPA Entity
Spring Data JPA repository
a SpringMVC Controller
a Thymeleaf View /WEB-INF/views/index.html
Using Spring Boot:
JPA Entity
Spring Data JPA repository
Thymeleaf view
SpringBootEntryPoint class
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